Description of this printing equipment

Number : 76119
Manufacturer : OMEGA
Year : 2022
Options : Mod. KBA Duran Omega AllPro70 - Easy change of the conveyor belt, the shafts are not pulled for the belt change - Upper support raised and lowered by a simple system for easy adaptation to the thickness of the cardboard -Standard size bearings -Solid steel frames -Belt speed: 300-400 m/min depending on the model - Position indicators for unstored versions - Siemens automation integrated control system - Siemens color screen for control and diagnosis of all machine functions - Counting device with a pneumatic kicker synchronized with the speed of the machine - Remote control - Auxiliary control buttons at the feeder, output section and stacker - Intuitive setup and operation functions AC motors and Siemens drivers controlled by - - Siemens PLC for independent speed regulation - Siemens servomotors, Siemens drivers and PLC for Reverse Folding with Servomotor - Simple remote connection via industrial VPN router for quick diagnosis and intervention via eWon device - Compatible with Industry 4.0 MODELS
Availability : 6/2025

The printing machine OMEGA PERFORMA, 2022 is for sale, subject to availability. We can offer you this printing machine completely revised if you wish.
We advise you to contact us quickly if you are interested in this equipment. This printing machine will be offered at the best price on the market.

Pictures of this printing machine

OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_1.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_2.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_3.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_4.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_5.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_6.jpg
OMEGA PERFORMA, Year : 2022, ref.76119 | | 76119n_7.jpg

If you would like to see more pictures or videos about this OMEGA PERFORMA, 2022 printing machine, please contact our sales team.

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